Thursday, October 31, 2013 Pentagon training manual: white males have unfair advantages
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Pentagon training manual: white males have unfair advantages
Oct 31st 2013, 15:00

A controversial 600-plus page manual used by the military to train its Equal Opportunity officers teaches that "healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian" men hold an unfair advantage over other races, and warns in great detail about a so-called "White Male Club."

"Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege," reads a statement in the manual created by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI).

The manual, which was obtained by Fox News, also instructs troops to "support the leadership of people of color. Do this consistently, but not uncritically," the manual states.

The military manual goes into great detail about a so-called "White Male Club."

The Equal Opportunity Advisor Student Guide is the textbook used during a three month DEOMI course taught at Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. Individuals who attend the training lead Equal Opportunity briefings on military installations around the nation.

The 637-page manual covers a wide range of issues from racism and religious diversity to cultural awareness, extremism and white privilege.

I obtained a copy of the manual from an Equal Opportunity officer who was disturbed by the course content and furious over the DEOMI's reliance on the Southern Poverty Law Center for information on "extremist" groups.  

"I'm participating in teaching things that are not true," the instructor told me. He asked not to be identified because he feared reprisals.

"I should not be in a position to do that," he said. "It violates Constitutional principles, but it also violates my conscience. And I'm not going to do it – not going to do it."

Read an excerpt from the manual here.

DEOMI instructors were also responsible for briefings at bases around the country that falsely labeled evangelical Christians, Catholics and a number of high-profile Christian ministries as domestic hate groups.  

I contacted the Pentagon as well as the DEOMI multiple times for comment on this story, but so far they have not responded to my requests.

DEOMI opened in 1971 in response to the civil rights movement. It's responsible for Equal Opportunity/Equal Employment Opportunity education and training for military active duty and reservists, according to its website.

The subject of white privilege emerged in a 20-page section titled, "Power and Privilege."

"Whites are the empowered group," the manual declares. "White males represent the haves as compared to the have-nots."

The military document advises personnel to "assume racism is everywhere, every day" and "notice code words for race." They are also instructed to "understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism."

"Assume racism is everywhere, everyday," read a statement in a section titled, 'How to be a strong 'white ally.'"

"One of the privileges of being white is not having to see or deal with racism all the time," the manual states. "We have to learn to see the effect that racism has."

On page 181 of the manual, the military points out that status and wealth are typically passed from generation to generation and "represent classic examples of the unearned advantages of social privilege."

"As such, the unfair economic advantages and disadvantages created long ago by institutions for whites, males, Christians, etc. still affect socioeconomic privilege today," the manual states.

The guide also points out that whites are over-represented and blacks are underrepresented in positive news stories, that middle class blacks live in poorer neighborhoods than middle class whites and that even though there are more white criminals than any other race, the news coverage of black criminals is about equal to the news coverage of white criminals.

The military manual goes into great detail about a so-called "White Male Club."

"In spite of slave insurrections, civil war, the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the women's suffrage movement leading to the 19th amendment, the civil rights movement, urban rebellions and the contemporary feminist movement, the club persists," the document states.

DEOMI states that "full access to the resources of the club still escape the vision of equitable distribution."

The military also implies that white Americans may be in denial about racism.

In a section titled, "Rationalizations for Retaining Privilege and Avoiding Responsibilities," the military lays out excuses white people use.

"Today some white people may use the tactic of denial when they say, 'It's a level playing field; this is a land of equal opportunity,'" the manual reads. "Some white people may be counterattacking today by saying political correctness rules the universities or they want special status."

DEOMI points out that if "white people are unable to maintain that the atrocities are all in the past, they may switch to tactics to make a current situation seem isolated."

They said some of the ways whites may claim to be victims include saying things like, "I have it just as bad as anyone else," "They're taking away our jobs," or "White people are under attack."
The military concludes the section by urging students to "understand and learn from the history of whiteness and racism" and "support the leadership of people of color."

I called former Congressman and Lt. Col. Allen West (ret.) to get his take on the manual. In a nutshell – he wants a congressional investigation.

"This is the Obama administration's outreach of social justice into the United States military," he told me. "Equal Opportunity in the Army that I grew up in did not have anything to do with white privilege."

West said he is very concerned about the training guide.

"When the president talked about fundamentally transforming the United States of America, I believe he also had a dedicated agenda of going after the United States military," he said. "The priorities of this administration are totally whacked."

West said the DEOMI manual reminded him of a similar program inflicted on the military by President Clinton.

"They came down with a new training requirement called, 'Consideration of Others Training,'" he said. "The soldiers were supposed to sit around and go through vignettes and talk about their feelings."

I truly wish the Pentagon and the DEOMI would return my telephone calls. I'd like to know how teaching soldiers, airmen and sailors about white privilege and fomenting racial division helps them protect our nation from the enemy.

Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter.

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Read more » Forget the apologies -- fire Sebelius and delay ObamaCare
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Forget the apologies -- fire Sebelius and delay ObamaCare
Oct 31st 2013, 14:30

At the beginning of his first term, President Obama embarked on a famous "apology tour," where he traveled the world describing all the various ways he imagined America hadn't lived up to its ideals.

When it came to condemning the actions of others the president was front-and-center.

But now – when it comes time to apologize for his administration's incompetence and misconduct – the apologies come from his subordinates.

I fear the Obama administration will hold to its own course, evade accountability, and continue the scapegoating.  After all, it's worked before.

After the Internal Revenue Service intentionally targeted conservative groups for unconstitutional scrutiny and leaked confidential taxpayer information to friendly liberal reporters, the apology came from Lois Lerner, a previously obscure career lawyer in the federal bureaucracy.

After the Obama administration botched the ObamaCare rollout – the president's "signature" domestic policy – causing millions of Americans to lose their insurance with no easy way to replace it, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took the fall by reading a scripted apology: "You deserve better. I apologize. I'm accountable to you for fixing these problems and I'm committed to earning your confidence back by fixing the site."

Yet there is no accountability, and these apologies therefore lack conviction. Apologies without accountability are meaningless.  

Lois Lerner not only wasn't fired, she was permitted to retire with a six-figure, taxpayer-funded pension.

As for Secretary Sebelius, she was at the helm of perhaps the world's most famous and consequential IT meltdown, a meltdown so comprehensive that she was forced to admit that hadn't even been fully tested for security vulnerabilities before going live.  

Despite this meltdown, she still has her job.

Even worse, if the past is any guide, the administration will soon pivot from apologies to attacks.  

After all, it was only a matter of weeks before the administration started calling IRS targeting a "phony scandal" – in spite of congressional investigations, an FBI investigation, and multiple lawsuits.

In fact, the pivot has already started.  ObamaCare defenders, faced with the president's obviously false promise that Americans would be able to keep their insurance and keep their doctor, now respond to millions of insurance cancellations by blaming insurance companies – calling their products "junk insurance" and claiming that consumers are better off with higher-priced plans.

Tell that to 50-year-old men dropped from their old plans because their new, ObamaCare-approved plans have to cover maternity care. As Representative Renee Ellmers asked Secretary Sebelius, "To the best of your knowledge, has a man ever delivered a baby?"

Yet the federal government, in its infinite wisdom, will not approve insurance – even for men – that doesn't include this coverage.

President Obama sends others out to apologize, refuses to hold them accountable for admitted failures, and then attacks the very victims of his administration's abuse.

Hope and change indeed.

With millions of Americans losing their health insurance, including people who are desperately ill, the time for political spin is over.  It's time for accountability.

Here's what true accountability looks like:

1. Secretary Sebelius should lose her job.

2. ObamaCare should be fully delayed for at least one full year, and Americans must be given the option to re-purchase their existing plans.  

This gives HHS the opportunity to fix its abysmally broken exchanges, helps protects our citizens from the terrible consequences of the administration's failure, and it allows the American people to speak with a loud voice – in the 2014 elections – to tell their members of Congress to repeal ObamaCare fully or join Secretary Sebelius in early retirement.

But even as the way forward is clear, I fear the Obama administration will hold to its own course, evade accountability, and continue the scapegoating.  After all, it's worked before.

With the enthusiastic assistance of a friendly media, it's been able to spin and scapegoat its way out of scandals – from Benghazi to the IRS – that would have brought the Bush administration to its knees.

Perhaps, however, those days are over.  After all, it's tough to spin to a family facing prohibitive insurance premiums and sky-high deductibles.  

It's tough to spin to a couple staring at a broken website while still clutching their insurance cancellation notice.

It's tough to spin millions of Americans who'll pay fines on tax day for failing to buy insurance policies that are impossible to purchase.

Ultimately, reality will get a vote, and it's voting against President Obama.

Jay Sekulow is Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). Follow him on Twitter@JaySekulow.

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Read more » Go on the offensive Republicans -- jobs still are American's top concern
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Go on the offensive Republicans -- jobs still are American's top concern
Oct 31st 2013, 11:00

Joe Lhota, running to be mayor of New York, is perhaps the first Republican whose campaign is being torched by the Cruz-ade that shut down the federal government, but he's unlikely to be the last. 

In Virginia, Attorney General Ken Cucinelli is trailing in his bid to become the state's next governor. 

He's running against Democrat Terry McAuliffe, whose buffoonery and shady business dealings are so unsavory that in his last race even the liberal Washington Post failed to endorse him.  

Who can forget that President Obama has yet to deliver a robust recovery -- instead, handing the country the most partisan White House of our lifetimes.

At a recent press event, Cucinelli fielded innumerable challenging questions about the budget imbroglio; in a state full of federal employees, the GOP-led furloughs were none too popular.

The fall-out from the misguided and mishandled effort to de-fund ObamaCare will doubtless taint other races, and especially if GOP candidates succumb to playing defense. 

In New York, Lhota has failed to offer voters a real choice. His inability to articulate a pro-jobs, pro-growth message leaves him trailing an insubstantial, uber-liberal candidate with an unpopular platform by more than 40 points. 

In Virginia, Cucinelli has broken with the "all jobs all the time" campaigning that vaulted his predecessor Bob McDonnell to a landslide victory. 

He, too, is behind.  Let this be a lesson to wobbly Republicans who forget their reason for being.

And, who forget that President Obama has yet to deliver a robust recovery -- instead, handing the country the most partisan White House of our lifetimes. As well as, according to the Annenberg Public Policy Center, 6.7 million more people living in poverty, a 5% decline in real household income, a 49% jump in Americans on food stamps, and an 89% increase in federal debt owed to the public.

The media is still celebrating President Obama's so-called "victory" over the GOP. His accomplishment, in brief, is that he didn't negotiate with Republicans on re-opening the government and on raising the debt ceiling. 

After many months of zero wins, perhaps this qualifies as a victory, but surely it is small potatoes compared to passing gun control or immigration reform, or other items on the president's agenda. And, it hasn't helped the president much, as is evident from his swoon to record-low approval ratings in the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

The only real "win" for the White House is that the budget fracas diverted attention for a whole week from the horrific roll-out of Mr. Obama's pet healthcare project, and back-burnered numerous simmering issues like the IRS scandal, NSA snooping, Democrats' divisions over Larry Summers and Obama's mortifying stumble on Syria.  

Ted Cruz temporarily saved the president's lunch, and should not be forgiven.

He also put Republicans on the defensive after months in which voters were warming to the loyal opposition. 

Polling showed the GOP had scored welcome gains across the board on foreign policy, dealing with the economy, and reducing the federal deficit.

 One poll actually showed the public trusting Republicans more than Democrats on healthcare – a first. That momentum was blown by Mr. Cruz' showboating.   

The budget deal should not, however, have Republicans cowering in their corners. 

The ObamaCare fiasco is just heating up; even when the website is fixed, the false promises about being able to keep your insurance and about lower premiums will haunt Democrats running in 2014. 

Also, the economy continues to falter.   

These two issues – ObamaCare and the tepid recovery -- should prove golden for the GOP -- but only if candidates stick to the script.

If they don't, they will follow Mr. Lohta, who is sinking fast as he runs from his "Republican" label. 

New York surely leans left, with registered Democrats outnumbering Republicans 6 to 1, but for the past 12 years the city has enjoyed a mayor who put job growth first, and whose business-friendly policies have enjoyed enormous success. 

New Yorkers are perhaps weary of their insouciant mayor, but they are not indifferent to the safe streets and healthy economy that he has delivered.  

Similarly, in Virginia, Cucinelli has distanced himself from his predecessor Bob McDonnell, a fellow Republican who is in hot water over a gifts scandal. However, it is worth noting that in spite of ethics lapses, McDonnell retains approval ratings higher than President Obama. 

Why? Because he has focused on economic development, and has brought Virginia's unemployment rate down to 5.7% from 7.4%.  

While the United States as a whole has seen a similar drop in the unemployment rate, the decline has mainly stemmed from a fall-off in the number of people looking for work. 

Not so in Virginia, where the labor force has grown by more than 110,000 workers, and the number of employed has risen 173,000. And this, in a state where fully 17% of the workforce toils for Uncle Sam, a sector that has shown little growth.

There is a lesson here – for all GOP candidates. According to a newly-released poll from CBS News, Americans still rank jobs as their number one priority – by a large margin. 

Mitt Romney ran away from his fabulously successful business career – a career that prepared him to grow the economy – failing to convince voters that he could provide jobs.  

Lhota is not banging away on this central issue, nor is Cucinelli. 

How many more Republicans will go down in flames before they realize that this is their strong suit? Not gay marriage, not abortion, not immigration – jobs. 

After the November election, Governor Bob McDonnell said Republicans needed to better articulate the "conservative message of an opportunity society" for America. He is so right.

Liz Peek is a writer who contributes frequently to She is a financial columnist who also writes for The Fiscal Times. For more visit Follow her on Twitter@LizPeek.

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Read more » Obama's broken health care promises
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Obama's broken health care promises
Oct 31st 2013, 13:29

For nearly four years, President Obama has frequently offered some variation of this promise about the Affordable Care Act: "If you like your health-care plan," as he said in a speech to the American Medical Association in June 2009, "you'll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

NBC News caused a kerfuffle on Monday when it reported the Obama administration knew for years that millions would be forced off their preferred insurance plan. This hardly amounts to a revelation: the president and his people, along with Democratic Party leaders, had to know that this would happen.

For example, in a Dec. 19, 2009 letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Congressional Budget Office noted that the Affordable Care Act would cause between eight and nine million Americans to lose their employer-provided coverage either by "the dropping of existing coverage or a lack of new offers of coverage."

The president and his people, along with Democratic Party leaders, had to know that this would happen.

Three days before Mr. Obama signed the law, CBO and the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation reaffirmed these numbers in a March 20, 2010 letter to then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. A month later, the chief actuary at the Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimated that 14 million would lose their employer-provided insurance.

There were also warnings that higher premiums, mandated benefits and other regulations would cause many of the roughly 15 million Americans who individually purchase health insurance to lose their policies.

It is inconceivable that the president, his top aides and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, didn't know about all this. Which raises these questions: Why did Mr. Obama keep saying something that was simply not true? And how did his administration allow him to do so?

To continue reading Karl Rove's column in the Wall Street Journal, click here.

Karl Rove is a Fox News political analyst and a former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush. He is the author of "Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight" (Threshold Editions, 2010) and helped organize the political action committee American Crossroads.


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Read more » Spying on the president -- Obama, Merkel and the NSA
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Spying on the president -- Obama, Merkel and the NSA
Oct 31st 2013, 11:00

When German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrated the opening of the new U.S. embassy in Berlin in 2008, she could not have imagined that she was blessing the workplace for the largest and most effective gaggle of American spies anywhere outside of the U.S.

It seems straight out of a grade-B movie, but it has been happening for the past eleven years: The NSA has been using Merkel as an instrument to spy on the president of the United States. 

We now know that the NSA has been listening to and recording Merkel's cellphone calls since 2002. 

Angela Merkel was raised in East Germany, and she has a personal revulsion at the concept of omnipresent state surveillance.

In 2008, when the new embassy opened, the NSA began using more sophisticated techniques that included not only listening, but also following her. 

Merkel uses her cellphone more frequently than her landline, and she uses it to communicate with her husband and family members, the leadership of her political party, and her colleagues and officials in the German government.

She also uses her cellphone to speak with foreign leaders, among whom have been President George W. Bush and President Obama. 

Thus, the NSA -- which Bush and Obama have unlawfully and unconstitutionally authorized to obtain and retain digital copies of all telephone conversations, texts and emails of everyone in the U.S., as well as those of hundreds of millions of persons in Europe and Latin America -- has been listening to the telephone calls of both American presidents whenever they have spoken with the chancellor.

One could understand the NSA's propensity to listen to the conversations of those foreign leaders who wish us ill. And one would expect that it would do so. But the urge to listen to the leadership of our allies serves no discernible intelligence-gathering purpose. 

Rather, it fuels distrust between our nations and in the case of Merkel exacerbates memories of the all-seeing and all-hearing Stasi, which was the East German version of the KGB that ruled that police state from the end of World War II until it collapsed in 1989. 

Merkel was raised in East Germany, and she has a personal revulsion at the concept of omnipresent state surveillance.

Obama apparently has no such revulsion. One would think he's not happy that his own spies have been listening to him. 

One would expect that he would have known of this. 

Not from me, says Gen. Keith Alexander, the director of the NSA, who disputed claims in the media that he told Obama of the NSA spying network in Germany last summer. 

Either the president knew of this and has denied it, or he is invincibly ignorant of the forces he has unleashed on us and on himself.

When Susan Rice, Obama's national security advisor, was confronted with all of this by her German counterpart, she first told him the White House would deny it. Then she called him to say that the White House could not deny it, but the president would deny that he personally knew of it.

How did we get here? What are the consequences of a president spying on himself? What does this mean for the rest of us?

Neither Bush nor Obama has had a strong fidelity to the Constitution. They share the views of another odd couple of presidents from opposing political parties, Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, in that the Constitution is not the supreme law of the land as it proclaims to be, but rather a guideline that unleashes the president to do all that it does not expressly forbid him to do. 

In the progressive era 100 years ago, that presidential attitude brought us the Federal Reserve, the federal income tax, Prohibition, World War I, prosecutions for speech critical of the government and the beginnings of official modern government racial segregation.

That same attitude in our era has brought us the Patriot Act, which allows federal agents to write their own search warrants, government borrowing that knows no end -- including the $2 trillion Bush borrowed for the war in Iraq, a country which is now less stable than before Bush invaded, and the $7 trillion Obama borrowed to redistribute -- and an NSA that monitors all Americans all the time. In the case of the NSA spying, this came about by the secret orders of Bush and Obama, animated by that perverse TR/Wilsonian view of the Constitution and not by a congressional vote after a great national debate.

Just as people change when they know they are being watched, the government changes when it knows no one can watch it. 

Just as we can never be ourselves when we fear that we may need to justify our most intimate thoughts to an all-knowing government, so, too, the government knows that when we cannot see what it is doing, it can do whatever it wants. And it is in the nature of government to expand, not shrink. Thomas Jefferson correctly predicted that 175 years ago.

But spying on yourself is truly asinine and perhaps criminal. You see, the president can officially declassify any secrets he wants, but he cannot -- without official declassification -- simply reveal them to NSA agents. 

One can only imagine what NSA agents learned from listening to Bush and Obama as they spoke to Merkel and 34 other friendly foreign leaders, as yet unidentified publicly.

Now we know how pervasive this NSA spying is: It not only reaches the Supreme Court, the Pentagon, the CIA, the local police and the cellphones and homes of all Americans; it reaches the Oval Office itself. Yet when the president denies that he knows of this, that denial leads to more questions.

The president claims he can start secret foreign wars using the CIA, secretly kill Americans using drones, and now secretly spy on anyone anywhere using the NSA. 

Is the president an unwitting dupe to a secret rats' nest of uncontrolled government spies and killers? 

Or is he a megalomaniacal, totalitarian secret micromanager who lies regularly, consistently and systematically about the role of government in our lives?

Which is worse? What do we do about it?

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. Judge Napolitano has written seven books on the U.S. Constitution. His latest is "Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom."

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Anti-Semitism is at the root of the UN's double-standards
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Anti-Semitism is at the root of the UN's double-standards
Oct 30th 2013, 17:00

This week Israel caved in to European and American pressure to further subject itself to egregious discrimination at the United Nations. The move was in response to a twisted appeal to Israel to preserve the fiction of a U.N. human rights system committed to equality.

On October 29, 2013, Israel ended 18-months of non-participation with U.N. human rights mechanisms that are dedicated to its demonization and defeat. 

The surrender spawned victory laps by the U.N., the State Department and bigots in foreign ministries across Europe.

Leading the campaign to bring the Jewish state to its knees was none other than Germany. The diplomatic blackmail reached its apex in a letter of October 25, 2013 sent from German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Germany threatened that it "would be hard-pressed to help" Israel respond to the "severe diplomatic damage" which would allegedly have occurred if Israel failed to attend one more Israel-bashing session engineered by the U.N. Human Rights Council.

The formal procedure of Tuesday's inquisition by the U.N.'s top human rights body was called a "universal periodic review" or "UPR." The cyclical UPR process is applied to each state once every four years. Hence, the façade of "universality."

However, the Council's regular sessions occur three times a year and only Israel is specifically on the agenda every single time. In fact, the Israeli human rights record was last considered by the Council a mere five weeks ago, on September 23, 2013.

Germany's willingness to play front man in the anti-Israel campaign ensconced at the UN is also disturbing because antisemitism is clearly at the root of the UN's double-standards.

The negative diplomatic fallout from the supposed failure by Israel to submit to the "same" practice as every other state, therefore, could readily have been countered. That is, if Germany (with the support of the Obama administration) had not preferred to use the contrived international reaction as a tool of intimidation. 

Germany's professed concern with Israel's participatory interests is especially duplicitous in light of its outrageous decision to block Israel from membership on the U.N. Security Council.

Candidacies for election to one of the ten rotating seats on the Security Council are announced many years in advance – Israel making its candidacy for the year 2019 known years ago.

Germany's recent announcement that it would compete directly against Israel for the few slots reserved for Western governments effectively destroys Israel's chances of election – which would have been a first in U.N. history.

Similarly, Germany's self-righteousness doesn't prevent it from attending meetings at the U.N. in Geneva that specifically bar representatives of the Jewish state. 

At every session of the U.N. Human Rights Council, 192 countries divide into five regional groups, meeting out of the public eye to share information, negotiate and assign jobs and resources. 192 of 193 UN members, because Israel is excluded. Even non-UN members such as the Palestinian Authority are allowed to attend regional group meetings.

The regional group to which Israel most naturally belongs is the geographically disparate Western European and Others Group (WEOG). But WEOG – which includes Germany and the United States – refuses Israel equal admission.

Germany's willingness to play front man in the anti-Israel campaign ensconced at the UN is also disturbing because anti-Semitism is clearly at the root of the U.N.'s double-standards.

There is no human rights explanation for the Human Rights Council's conduct towards Israel. It denounces Israel alone in over a third of all its country-resolutions, and has never once condemned the likes of China, Russia or Saudi Arabia. 

It has one permanent agenda item on Israel and one for all other192 countries. It churns out successive "anti-racism" conferences that finger Israel as the world's only racist state. 

It appoints Richard Falk as its "expert" on Israel for six years running. The man once posted on his website a caricature of a blood-covered dog devouring human bones, urinating on lady justice, and wearing a skullcap emblazoned with a Jewish star. 

Now, Western governments could refuse to legitimize the body that sponsors this constant barrage of inequality directed at Israel both before and after October 29. They could at least have ended the exclusion of Israel from WEOG. Instead, they demanded that Israel legitimize the "universality" fraud for a day.

As it played out, countries lined up to denounce "Judaization" (the foul presence of a Jew on Arab-claimed land), make wild accusations about torture and systematic cruelty to children, and repeat the old Zionism-is-racism canard of a Jewish state with a racist constitution.

The irony is that the UPR's greatest champions are the world's most brutal regimes. The system is a triumph of moral relativism, where despots and democrats are treated as if they were genuinely alike.

During the recent farcical UPR of Canada, China complained about violence against women, North Korea about free speech and torture, Iran about discrimination, Russia about arbitrary detention, and Sudan about racial violence.

Only a week ago, the Saudi UPR included two Saudi women shrouded entirely in black allowing only slits for their eyes. One said: "I would like to underline that the system in Saudi Arabia doesn't make a distinction between men and women." The other defended the law allowing girls to be married off upon puberty.

If Israel had insisted on genuine equal treatment, it would have done the real victims of human rights a favor. Absent American support, Israel's Prime Minister succumbed to the mob. 

When will we learn that humiliation isn't cost-free?

Anne Bayefsky is director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust. Follow her on Twitter @AnneBayefsky.

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Read more » What really frightens me about Halloween
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What really frightens me about Halloween
Oct 30th 2013, 18:45

Here's what frightens me about Halloween: It is not the ghosts, witches and psychics but the fact that people believe in them. 

My leeriness about celebrating Halloween has absolutely nothing to do with religion, safety, health or the sexualization of young girls, although those may be valid concerns. 

My reason is much more subtle.   

According to Gallup an alarming 30% or so of Americans believe in Halloween-related myths such as haunted houses, ghosts and witches. Over half believe in psychic or spiritual healing, and extrasensory perception (ESP).

It is not the ghosts, witches and psychics but the fact that people believe in them.

Halloween is centered on a culture of superstition and witchcraft. This culture does much harm to society. While not everyone celebrating the holiday believes in the myths, alarming numbers do and the psychic industry takes advantage of this.

The psychic industry has become the wild wild west of fraud and deception, preying on the naive, grieving and vulnerable. 

It is a $2 billion a year business, with millions dialing "900" numbers, even after decades of lawsuits, the inability of any psychic to prove their paranormal powers and collect the Randi Educational Foundation's million dollar prize, and even criminal fraud.

Rose Marks, a South Florida psychic, was recently convicted on fraud charges for fleecing $40 million dollars from unsuspecting "clients." 

Sylvia Mitchell, another psychic, was recently charged with grand larceny and a scheme to defraud after she told a desperate single mom a convoluted tale that she was an Egyptian princess in a past life and should therefore give her $27,000 to remedy her dependency on money. 

These stories are all too common.

Celebrity psychic Sylvia Brown made a patently false prediction on the "Montel Williams Show." She told grieving parents that their missing daughter, Amanda Berry, was "in heaven" and her last words were "Goodbye, mom, I love you." Earlier this year Berry was found alive, but by then her distraught mother had died from heart failure.

Pew Research shows that an alarming 1 in 7 Americans have consulted a psychic.

Psychics use belief in Halloween mythology to promote their "services." 

This month, the Psychic Source issued a press release claiming: [o]ur collective focus on the spiritual world makes Halloween a favorable time for contacting the 'other side' … on Halloween psychic and spiritual readings can be especially productive because 'messages flow effortlessly.'  

International psychic reader Lisa Barretta told Fox News last year that around Holloween time "people look for little trips to Salem and Lillydale in New York, which is a big psychic center."

According to another press release, by Hollywood Psychics, over 80% of psychics surveyed recommend getting a reading on Halloween because "people tend to be more open-minded and to concentrate better on their past and present memories on historically spiritual days." 

With astounding numbers of people believing in Halloween-related myths one wonders whether the holiday helps to subtly reinforce dangerous beliefs used to financially exploit the vulnerable members of our society.

If you celebrate Halloween use the occasion as an opportunity to dismiss, ridicule and make fun of ghosts, the paranormal, and other dangerous superstitions that psychics use to financially exploit the vulnerable members of our society. Party safe.

Eliyahu Federman is an executive at the e-commerce company He writes frequently on religion, culture, business and law. Follow him on Twitter @EliFederman and find him on

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Read more » Why Millenials need to know more about ObamaCare than just 'age 26'
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Why Millenials need to know more about ObamaCare than just 'age 26'
Oct 30th 2013, 17:00

Ask students how long they can stay on their parents' health insurance because of ObamaCare, and they will likely know the answer is until age 26.

But how about asking them when the individual mandate goes into effect, how the age rating restriction will impact premium costs, or what perverse incentives ObamaCare creates for employers to cut hours and paychecks?

Too many will be surprised to learn that the individual mandate penalty goes into effect on January 1.

Too many young people haven't yet realized that ObamaCare will shift more costs to them to pay for older, generally less healthy people.

Too many don't know that the Affordable Care Act limits insurers' ability to adjust premium costs based on factors such as age. 

The ACA mandates that insurers can only charge older people as much as three times the rate charged to younger people, so insurers have less flexibility to charge lower premium costs for younger people. 

Too many young people haven't yet realized that ObamaCare will shift more costs to them to pay for older, generally less healthy people. 

One study, for example, predicts those between the ages of 21 and 29 will be hit with a 42 percent premium cost increase under ObamaCare.

Similarly, young people aren't likely to know that ObamaCare requires employers with the equivalent of 50 or more full-time workers to provide coverage or pay a penalty. 

Many businesses struggling in this economy have chosen to cut employees' hours or keep the number of employees under 50. 

Who often suffers? Young workers and job-seekers.

During a recent speech on campus, I asked the crowd about some of these issues. They were indeed quick to recognize that they could stay on their parents' health insurance until age 26, but they were unaware of the increased costs they would face once they had to buy insurance for themselves. 

This is a problem.

According to research cited in a recent report from the College Republican National Committee, "Grand Old Party for a Brand New Generation," 41 percent of the young people surveyed thought the overall impact of ObamaCare would be positive, and young people preferred how Democrats handled health care by a 63-37 margin. But do they really understand what the Democrats did?

Republicans and other critics of ObamaCare must more effectively make the negative impact of the law known to young people and do so in a compelling way.

This month, the Republican National Committee launched, a website dedicated to showing the costs of ObamaCare. 

One video begins with the president touting the positive aspects of his reform effort and ends with a woman challenging his claims by complaining about the costs she faces. The website includes media clips, polls, and an interactive tool that visitors can use to find articles on the negative impact of ObamaCare in their local communities by entering their zip codes.

This puts the effects of this reckless legislation into human terms, and it's a good demonstration of the real impact the law will have on people. We need more of this.

In 2010, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it…." It has been over three years since ObamaCare was signed into law, but too many people -- especially young people -- still don't know what's really in it. 

The administration knows it is important to win over young people. 

This summer, for example, Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to the president, convened a meeting of celebrities to recruit them to sell the ACA, which included actor Kal Penn (a former Obama administration official), comedian Amy Poehler, Funny or Die's Mike Farah and YouTube's Daniel Kellison, among others.

If critics of ObamaCare want to undo the damage of this legislation and pursue health care reform, they must make an even greater effort to make the true costs and consequences of ObamaCare apparent to young people. 

Young people must know more about ObamaCare than "Age 26."

Karin Agness is the founder and president of the Network of enlightened Women (NeW), the nation's premier organization for conservative university women and a Senior Fellow with the Independent Women's Forum. Follow her on Twitter@KarinAgness.

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You can make the world better through the power of one
Oct 30th 2013, 18:13

We can make the world better through the power of one -- the power of you.

I recently lost a good friend who died in a tragic car accident. She was a dedicated mother and broadcast journalist who worked tirelessly to make a difference in the world.  She sought to do her best to improve humanity.  

So, I celebrate her life.

Sheila Stewart was a woman of faith who boldly and courageously expressed her trust in God. She served as the News and Community Affairs director for Radio One in Washington, D.C.

Like my friend Sheila, I hope we can become more focused on living according to God's purpose. 

She sought to use her position as a platform for not only promoting her employer but providing hope and inspiration to everyone she encountered. 

I am eternally grateful to her for introducing me to some extraordinary people who became wonderful stories for my series, "Beyond The Dream."

Even when life got tough, Sheila still operated with a sense that God would always make the crooked ways straight. 

As I reflect on her life, I am encouraged by her desire to help people become better. 

She is an example of how we can change the world through the power of one. Making the world better begins with the power of one -- the power of you.

Every day we face challenges that can hurt us, steal our dream, or even blind us to the blessings that we already have. But like my friend Sheila, I hope we can become more focused on living according to God's purpose. 

I hope we can practice random acts of kindness to complete strangers as if we were entertaining angels. 

I hope we can enjoy giving people magnificent encouragement rather than malignant criticism.

Let's face it -- everyone gets hurt, we all have pain. We live in very uncertain times.  

Personally, I have been homeless, unemployed, and flat broke, robbed at gunpoint, fired, laughed at, and talked about badly. And by the way, there have been plenty of times that I have been downright wrong, making some pretty stupid decisions, poor choices that set me up for failure instead of success.

There's no doubt about it, the people of the world are groaning beneath some weighty circumstances. Whether it's the loss of a friend or loved one, the devastating effects of losing your job, not having health insurance, or just trying to survive, there is a need for healing of the mind, body and soul.

I remember fondly how Sheila inspired me with her belief that God can make a way where there seems to be no way.  Therefore, be encouraged no matter what's going on, God will make it alright.

Lately, living in America has become like living on the edge. It's like a jungle. There are no more rules of civility -- we're just living on survival mode. 

Life can be challenging and confusing. Sometimes we don't know what to do.

God says in Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed from a lack of knowledge."

So here's some knowledge that's good for the soul:  "Let your gentleness be evident to all…Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things."

Never underestimate the power of one. We can make a difference through the power of one: the power of you.

Kelly Wright is a general assignment reporter for Fox News Channel, based in the Washington, D.C. bureau. He is also a co-host on "America's News Headquarters" on Saturdays (1:00-2:00 PM/ET). Wright previously served as a co-host on "Fox & Friends Weekend." Wright is also an ordained minister and Gospel singer. Most recently, he was inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Sponsors at Morehouse College for his Fox News "Beyond the Dream" series. He is the author of "America's Hope in Troubled Times."

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Read more » How to immunize our kids against Obama's victim mentality
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How to immunize our kids against Obama's victim mentality
Oct 30th 2013, 15:30

Tens of millions of parents now realize the message of victimhood and disempowerment President Obama and his administration are promulgating.  

It is clear and consistent: Individuals are not powerful and connected to an Almighty God; the collective is all-powerful, and God is a primitive superstition.

I have written before about the evidence that this is President Obama's message. 

- He has told business owners they should take no credit for building their businesses.  

- He has told all Americans that they cannot decide how to use their after-tax income and must carry health insurance, or be fined for making an independent decision to have none.

Directly explaining what is happening will insulate our kids from the worst of what could happen -- the subtle, chronic, steady erosion of their belief in themselves.

- He has made it plain that the government can wield unprecedented powers, but that individuals, even if they have committed no crimes, shouldn't own firearms.

- He has presided over a time in government when incredibly powerful institutions like the IRS have targeted people for harassment based on their ideas.  

- He has attempted to erode our confidence in our guiding principles by attacking the United States Constitution as having "deep flaws."  

- He has urged upon people an unprecedented level of government support that hobbles them and makes it less likely that they will tap their God-given capacities to support themselves. 

The president has done this because, in my opinion (and other psychiatrists might well disagree) he distrusts individual decision-making, in the most profound way.  

He sees himself as a victim. The decisions made by the adults who raised him were horrendous and traumatic, and he has never recovered from them.

So it is time to immunize our sons and daughters against the president's psychologically toxic rhetoric, which has the capacity to destroy the self-esteem of a generation of young people. 

I think this is best achieved through the following three-step plan:

  1. Make it plain to one's children, certainly those who are exposed to the news, that the current president and those he has selected to govern with him are attempting to convince them that they are not powerful and cannot be trusted to make good decisions.
  2. Make it plain to one's children that the president's belief that they are not powerful, inside themselves, as instruments of the vast power in the universe that fuels love and creativity and bravery, is completely incorrect. 
  3. Tell one's children that their journey in life cannot be about admiring how powerful our government is, but being thankful for how powerful their own gifts might be and serving those gifts by putting forth all the needed effort to develop them and share them.

It seems tragic to admit it is time to tell our children that the person elected to lead the free world is urging them toward less free will, but denying that reality would be to compound the tragedy.  

Directly explaining what is happening will insulate our kids, in some measure, from the worst of what could happen -- the subtle, chronic, steady erosion of their belief in themselves.

Some of our children may ask how this could be? How could the president of the United States be a force that is disempowering Americans?  

The answer is this simple: At the time we elected this president, we were doubting ourselves.  

We had been traumatized by the attacks of 9/11 and too many of us wondered if we had done something to deserve the hatred of others.  

So we elected a man who symbolized all that self-doubt and, because he had resented America his whole life, he made us doubt ourselves even more. 

Tell your children all this.  

Tell them also that the principles that have sustained this country will turn out to be greater than the toxic messages from the president.  And tell them that they will turn out to be greater than those toxic messages, too.

Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team. Dr. Ablow can be reached at

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