When Mark Twain's hero Huckleberry Finn was forced to study spelling for an hour every day, he said, "I couldn't stand it much longer. It was deadly dull, and I was fidgety." His teacher, Miss Watson, threatened him with eternal damnation if he didn't pay attention. Huck admits it didn't seem like such a bad alternative. "But I didn't mean no harm. All I wanted was to go somewheres; all I wanted was a change, I warn't particular."
If that had happened today, Huck would have been diagnosed as ADHD, put on Adderall, and forced to attend school, while the book about his adventures would never have been written.
The American Psychiatric Association invented the term "ADHD" in 1980 to give kids with hyperactivity, impulsivity, short attention span and easy distractibility a diagnosis.
Who would have thought that 28 years later, the National Center for Health Statistics would report that over 5 million American kids (8 percent) between the ages of 3-17 would receive this diagnosis? That's 1 out of 12, with about half of those on medication.
William Evans, Ph.D., with the Journal of Health Economics found that a huge predictor for the diagnosis of ADHD was the age of the child with respect to their grade. In other words, younger children in a given grade, have more ADHD symptoms than older ones. No surprise there- younger kids clearly are more restless and less able to concentrate on a topic, or sit quietly in a classroom all day long. According to his research, "approximately 1.1 million children received an inappropriate diagnosis and over 800,000 received stimulant medication due only to relative maturity."
Let me quickly point out that I'm not opposed to medication to treat those with severe symptoms, but does 1 out of every 12 kids really have ADHD?
I wish this was just about ADHD, but that's just what I've chosen to illustrate my point. I could have chosen bipolar disorder, OCD, generalized anxiety, social anxiety or many others because this is about the over-diagnosing, over-treating and over-medicating of psychiatric problems throughout America The first psychiatric diagnostic manual, DSM-I, in 1952 had 106 disorders listed. The revised DSM- IV in 2000 had 365!
The National Institute of Mental Health has found that 26 percent of Americans (1 in 4) have a diagnosable psychiatric illness.
The only word for that is "ludicrous."
A disorder of any kind is by definition something wrong, screwed up, malfunctioning. A mental disorder is an irregularity in the functioning of the brain. If the brains of one quarter of the U.S. population are disordered then something is very, very wrong with the human mind.
Or with our mental health system.
In a Wired magazine interview in January 2011, Allen Frances (lead editor of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental disorders –IV) blamed the DSM- IV itself. "We made mistakes that had terrible consequences," says Frances. One of these consequences, the article notes, is that diagnoses of ADHD have skyrocketed. Greenberg writes: "Frances thinks his manual inadvertently facilitated these epidemics— and, in the bargain, fostered an increasing tendency to chalk up life's difficulties to mental illness and then treat them with psychiatric drugs."
Here's the problem: The profession of psychiatry has taken on the role of defining 'normal' in our society. Even Webster's dictionary defines normal as being, "free from a mental disorder."
As we purposely shrink the box called normal and it gets smaller and smaller, the abnormal universe expands to include almost everyone. But we say, "don't worry, we can fix that with a pill and make you normal just like everyone else."
My profession has not only redefined mental health by over-diagnosing and over-medicating an ever-expanding number of diagnoses, we are also taking away the hope of human nature by telling our patients that they are inherently "abnormal" and need to be fixed.
The psychiatrist's office has gone from being the place no one would be caught dead visiting...to the place where a pill could fix anything. And psychiatry itself has gone from being stigmatized to glamorized.
Psychiatric conditions don't come with an on/off switch, but rather occur along a continuum. High levels of any given trait may represent a severe psychiatric diagnosis requiring medication, BUT in small to medium doses, these very same traits can represent your greatest strengths.
On a scale of 1 to10, what separates an ADHD 7 from an ADHD 10? Who gets medicated…..and why? How could one person use a set of "symptoms" as a springboard for success while another with the exact same symptoms needs meds and therapy? How are CEOs like Richard Branson (Virgin Airlines), John Chambers (Cisco), and Charles Schwab able to parlay their ADHD into tremendously successful careers, while others are searching for a magic pill and a cure?
David Neeleman, founder of JetBlue has said that if he found a magic pill to make his ADHD go away, he wouldn't take it. Creativity and innovation are hallmarks of those with ADHD. When a child first presents with symptoms, why aren't we telling them that they are 3 times more likely to form their own business, will thrive in disruptive situations, will embrace adventure and are adept at multitasking, as opposed to giving them a diagnosis and a pill?
We must stop thinking about how to give the "patient" what they think they want and start taking a look at what's good about what they have.
We must empower individuals to think it's ok to be "not normal" and change the mindset that everything can be "fixed" with a pill or a few therapy sessions.
We must help them understand that what they perceive as their worst trait, may in reality be their best.
It's time for a new order of business in mental health, based on the premise that when you try to conform to a perceived "normal," you lose your uniqueness—which is the foundation for your greatness.
Dr. Dale Archer is a psychiatrist and frequent guest on "FoxNews.com Live." He is the author of the new bestselling book "Better Than Normal: How What Makes You Different Can Make You Exceptional"For more, visit his website: Dr.DaleArcher.com.
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