Tuesday, June 5, 2012

FOXNews.com: Why Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker will win big

FOX News Network - We Report. You Decide. // via fulltextrssfeed.com
Why Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker will win big
Jun 5th 2012, 12:00

Unions will lose big and Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker will win big this Tuesday in Wisconsin. Here's why.

Government employee unions are a real threat to national security, far worse than the unproven fraud called global warming. Government employee pensions threaten our children's future. They will destroy the American Dream and wipe away our quality of life. America is doomed to follow Europe off the cliff, if we don't dramatically reform public pensions…today.

Here in my hometown of Las Vegas, we have some of the most clueless, delusional union members in the country. A recent Letter to the Editor to the Las Vegas Review Journal sums up the reason why unions will lose big on Tuesday in Wisconsin. The letter writer decided to comment on all the letters attacking unions in recent days -- including complaints about their bloated salaries and obscene pensions.

This letter, from a Las Vegas Teachers Union member, hits a new level for clueless and delusional. Let me paraphrase. The writer says, For those who don't understand why we are making so much more money than you – it's simple. We're unionized and you're not.  Those of us that work for government make so much more than you because we were smart enough to join unions. Only 6% of you folks in the private sector belong to unions. You're all fools. Instead of attacking us for our bloated salaries and insanely high pensions…you should be joining a union and getting the same bloated salaries and insanely high pensions. So stop trying to tear us down. Instead, get the same deal for yourselves.

You want to know why private sector taxpayers are angry? Why we won't take it anymore? Why Governor Walker will win big on Tuesday? This letter is Exhibit A. This one teacher's union member showed why unions are a disaster for the economy, taxpayers, and the America we love. He just killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Say goodbye to that pampered privileged class life you've been living, by sucking off the rest of us like a leech. As Donald Trump would say,"You're fired."

Can you imagine being this delusional, ignorant, and clueless? Even if you think this way (and I have to believe many government union employees do), to say it publicly makes you a moron. A moron who believes that money grows on trees, there are endless trees, and pigs fly. But pigs also go to slaughter.

The cold, hard truth is that America is bankrupt, broke, and insolvent. Just like Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, France…and soon add UK to the list. Europe is facing an economic Armageddon that will go down in history as "the Big One." 


Because the European countries have too many government employees, let them retire too early, give them bloated pensions for more years than the employee actually worked, and of course they all get free health care for life. Unions killed the EU.  It's all over for them. The question is can America still be saved?

In Las Vegas as firefighters reach retirement they are making just under $200,000 per year. In Orange County, California lifeguards are making over $200,000. BART employees in San Francisco average over $100,000. Education administrators throughout the state of California are retiring on over $200,000 per year. In New York Port Authority cops average $100,000. Toll takers are retiring on six figure pensions. In Illinois, there are dozens of retired government employees and union bosses sucking $400,000 per year from taxpayers. In Wisconsin the bus drivers are making $100,000. It's happening all over the country: Can you say "Government Gone Wild"?

Stop worrying about a few CEOs, Wall Street titans, and bankers who receive $100 million compensation packages. 

First, those high fliers are few and far between. Second, you're being purposely distracted by the union bosses and their friends in the liberal media. Those CEO's are in the private sector. What they make doesn't cost you one cent. Taxpayers don't pay for private sector salaries. Their compensation is a problem only for shareholders, not you. But the bill for 21 million government employees,  many making $100,000 (or far more) in retirement, adds up to far more than a few $100 million CEOs. And the bill goes directly to you -- the taxpayer and onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.

The unfunded liability for federal employees is now over $5 trillion. Unfunded Postal Service pensions are $2 trillion. It's almost as bad at the state and local level with unfunded liability of $2 to $3 trillion. One state, California, has an unfunded liability of at least half a trillion dollars (and growing). 

It's all madness. It's unthinkable. It is so big it will drown us all. 

By the way, in case you don't know what I'm talking about, an unfunded liability is something politicians promised to retiring government employees, but with no money set aside to pay it.

A typical government employee receiving $100,000 per year, retiring at age 50 has, for all intents and purposes, been promised around $4 million dollars if he or she lives to age 90.  That's before cost of living increases and, of course, free health care. 

Add it up. One employee is getting somewhere around $6 million as a golden parachute. One educator. One fireman. One toll taker. One lifeguard. How many of you taxpayers have a $6 million retirement fund?

Are you angry yet?  When clowns like the Vegas teacher, who wrote that letter to the editor, start telling us that money grows on trees and pigs fly, you'd better get mad. Very mad. And let those folks know that your hard earned taxpayer dollars did not grow on trees...and that it doesn't ever end well for pigs.

Now you know why Scott Walker will win big in Wisconsin on Tuesday.

Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He now serves as chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee. He is the best-selling author of "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts." His web site: www.ROOTforAmerica.com.

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