Is it possible the mainstream media is finally starting to grasp what I predicted 3 months ago -- that Obama will lose in a landslide? The first domino has fallen. Ultra-left Newsweek's cover story on Monday features a photo of Obama and the headline: "Hit the Road Barack, Why We Need a New President."
My, how the mighty have fallen. As the mainstream media realizes that Obama will not only lose, but lose big, I predict this will be the first of many negative headlines for Obama. No one likes to bet on a lame horse.
Why the change of heart? The latest Gallup poll has Romney up by 2 points. That's before the GOP Convention. Rasmussen has had Romney up by 3 to 4 points most days for a solid month. Rasmussen also has Romney winning Indiana, North Carolina, Florida and dead even in Wisconsin (all states Obama won in 2008).
Obama is in deep trouble and that's before America gets to see Paul Ryan debate Joe Biden, and realizes that Biden is a worn-out union hack with no knowledge of facts whatsoever.
What if the members of the liberal media actually tries playing fair and balanced and telling the truth?
Here is what they'd report:
If the mainstream media told the truth, instead of harping on Romney's "Female Gap" they'd report on Obama's "Male Gap," "White Gap," "Senior Gap," "Christian Gap," and "Military Veteran Gap." Obama is sinking fast with all these important voting groups. Romney is winning by landslide margins with them all. Obama loses the male vote by as much, or more, than he wins among females. Funny how the liberal media never mentions that?
If the media told the truth, they'd challenge Obama's lies that his bailout of GM and Chrysler is a model of success. In reality, they are a model of disaster -- a $25 billion loss for the American taxpayer. If the media told the truth, they'd report that the much of the $25 billion went to pay off auto unions that contributed heavily to Obama, while stealing bondholder's entire investment. They'd also report that while Obama used taxpayer money to make whole every pension for every union member of GM and Chrysler, he let the pensions of non-union autoworkers go bankrupt. If the media thinks this is success, I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
If the media told the truth, they'd report that Obama is the first president in modern history to never pass a budget. How many Americans have heard that Obama's most recent budget was voted down 99-0 in the US Senate? Obama's budget was so ridiculous that every single Democrat voted against it. I guess the media just forgot about that.
If the media told the truth, they'd call Vice President Joe Biden a racist and "gutter politician" for telling a primarily black audience that the GOP plan is "to put y'all back in chains." Cutting spending is hardly akin to slavery. The truth the media should report is that putting American taxpayers over $5 trillion more in debt in only 3 1/2 years is enslaving our children and grandchildren to a lower quality of life. But the media has been careful not to mention that form of slavery.
If the media told the truth, they'd report that Paul Ryan's plan reforms Medicare and saves it for future generations, with no change for anyone over 55, while President Obama has stolen $716 million from Medicare to pay for ObamaCare, with no plan whatsoever to save this debt-ridden, out-of-control program.
They'd also report that Obama's massive January tax increase raises taxes on dividends and interest to levels not seen in decades. Seniors live off investment income, interest, and dividends. With Obama cutting their income many seniors will lose their homes and retirement income. If the media told the truth they would report "this guy Obama clearly hates old people."
Liberal feminists often call men "verbally abusive." If the media told the truth, they'd report that Obama is the "Verbally Abusive President." His never-ending punching bags are small business owners and the rich. His off-TelePrompter rants such as "You didn't build that;" "The private sector is doing fine;" and "We want to spread the wealth around" demonstrate Obama's total economic incompetence and lack of understanding that America's business owners provide the jobs and taxes that pays for government.
How can any educated journalist protect a president so ignorant (and arrogant) as to not know that without businesspeople and entrepreneurs there would be no government services or employees?
If the media told the truth, they'd report Obama is "the Bribery President." Free contraception to women…amnesty through Executive Order to young Hispanics…advertising campaigns in Mexico to inform illegals in the United States that they qualify for food stamps…creating an Office of African American Education. Every day comes a new bribe to Obama's voters, all within weeks of the election. Yet the media is silent. They are like Sgt. Shultz of the "Hogan's Heroes" television series: "I saw nothing! I heard nothing."
If the media told the truth, they'd report we are facing economic collapse. They would report the tragic economic indicators just out for July:
• Last month California's sales tax revenues plunged a shocking $539 million below expectations.
• The jobless rate rose in 9 out of 10 battleground states. In the 10th (Ohio) it stayed even. This is no recovery.
• And, here's the worst news -- the American Petroleum Institute reports that US consumer demand for oil in July was the lowest since 1995. These figures are alarming -- to say the least. Where is the media hiding while the economy collapses? Asleep at the switch.
My advice to the national media: Newsweek did it. You can do it too. Break your Obama addiction. The truth will set you free! More importantly, it will set America free!
Well a guy can dream, can't he?
Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist and serial entrepreneur. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He now serves as chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee. He is the best-selling author of "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts." For more, visit his website:
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