Over the last two weeks Americans have witnessed three dramatic debates: two presidential and one vice presidential. With one more presidential debate to go, a clear picture has already emerged about President Obama and Vice President Biden. Simply stated they have no agenda and no path to lead America forward in the next four years – and people are starting to notice.
In our film "The Hope and The Change," which is available now on Hulu, the viewer gets a glimpse into the minds of the kinds of voters who will actually decide this election. Featuring 40 Democrats and independents, "The Hope and The Change" delves into the daily lives of the people who voted for President Obama in 2008 and now have had a change of heart. These Democrats and independents were promised the world by President Obama in 2008 and now they are disenchanted by the lackluster results.
Although the mainstream media wants the American people to believe that President Obama had a good night last Tuesday, the focus groups conducted after the debate tell a different tale.
Our great friend Frank Luntz questioned a group of mostly former 2008 Obama voters in the swing state of Nevada and the results were overwhelmingly in favor of Governor Mitt Romney.
One former Obama voter said in the focus group that Obama did not show what he "would do for the future." Isn't that what a presidential race is all about…the future?
Another focus group member said that Mitt Romney wants to "help," not "hurt" job creators. President Obama has been playing class warfare since the day he was inaugurated. The president promised in 2008 that he would bring the country together, not rip it apart. These voters in Luntz's focus group understand that they were sold a false bill of goods the first time around. Just like the people featured in "The Hope and The Change," who had similar things to say about President Obama:
"When I hear the phrase 'hope and change,' I definitely think of bait and switch."
"I think the legacy of Barack Obama is going to be that he made a lot of promises, got into office, and couldn't fulfill them."
"It's just that I thought, just like a lot of people, he promised the change and we all got fooled."
President Obama's agenda has failed the American people. They may still like the man they voted for in 2008, but they have turned on him and are seeking a new direction for the country.
In "The Hope and The Change" you see real American stories that are unfiltered, and what we have seen in the recent focus groups are these same stories of Americans tired of their president's empty promises.
There is now no debate: President Obama has failed in the past, and now offers no hope for the future.
Steve Bannon is the executive director of Brietbart, Inc. and Dave Bossie is the president of Citizens United.
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