It is almost impossible to see anything but red on Valentine's Day, especially if you're single -- every retail outlet ensures it. However, as author of the internationally successful book "The Single Girl's Survival Guide" I can tell you that there are a few survival strategies you can employ to get you through this conspiracy against those without a "better half."
1. Context. Close observation of your attached friends will reveal that February 14 has much in common with Christmas -- its closest over-commercialized neighbor. Any event demanding happiness as a prerequisite rarely is happy – it's not something you can enforce. Heightened expectation will almost always lead to disappointment.
Today, on Valentine's Day, rings may well not end up on fingers, some romantic gestures will surely backfire and some partners will completely forget to observe the day at all.
In the unlikely event your attached acquaintances actually appear to relish February 14 and are of the obnoxious type that perpetually flaunts their blinged-up left hand while glorying in their over-priced plans, then let them have their moment.
Tune out their chatter. For their excitement is simply because they don't have as much of a life and can't get out as often as you, the fabulously free person does.
2. Everything is possible – because you are single. You may still end up with Bradley Cooper or Kate Upton. You have not settled. You are keeping your options open until someone worthier ones come along. You can be lonelier in the wrong relationship than you can ever be when you're single.
3. Remember the love you have in your life. Mark the day with acts of kindness to people who will always love you and never ditch or divorce you – your friends and family.
4. Give yourself a break. This is the one of the few days of the year where single guys and girls are absolutely allowed to stay in. The 'special someone' gets to be you -- a bit of self-pampering is not a bad thing.
5. Tomorrow is February 15. Unlike many an attached soul, you will wake up this Friday having not had to fake anything the night before and with your wallet intact.
Best of all, you have reached February 15th, a date which is always a cause for celebration and congratulation. You have made it through the worst six weeks of the year – the Christmas cash flow issues, the dark long nights.
Now it's time to move on to the pleasures of spring and those long summer nights so tailor made for footloose and fancy free fun.
Throughout Valentine's Day keep this in mind: it is a good thing that you are single and not compromising your world for someone who does not appreciate what a catch you are.
You are whole not half. When you are single you have the freedom to explore so many distinct, delicious possibilities.
You may not be unattached forever – so from tomorrow on, resolve to take full advantage of the single lifestyle while you can. Seize the day and enjoy!
Imogen Lloyd Webber is New York-based British writer and on air political and entertainment commentator. Follow her on Twitter@illoydwebber or more, visit her website:
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