It is time your leaders in Washington tell you the truth: the fiscal crisis caused by America's national debt and deficits is a real problem that needs to be dealt with now. We cannot afford to wait any longer. Further delay will only threaten future hopes and dreams of all Americans.
Here's the reality: the federal government borrows $3.8 billion each and every day. We are more than $16.5 trillion in debt – the burdens of which will be passed on to our children and grandchildren to the tune of more than $147,000 per taxpayer.
Enough is enough.
A balanced approach means the budget actually balances.
It's time for real leadership that puts an end to irresponsible spending in Washington. That begins with the House of Representatives, the Senate and the White House all presenting serious budgets that tackle the catalysts of our spending-driven debt crisis.
This year will be the first time in four years that the Democrat-controlled Senate has written a budget, forced to finally do so by House legislative action. For its part, the Obama administration's budget will be more than two months late from its legally required deadline when it finally gets to Congress.
Nevertheless, Monday, House Republicans proposed "The Path to Prosperity: A Responsible, Balanced Budget" -- a responsible plan to balance our federal budget within a decade. It is just plain common sense that, like American families, the federal government should not spend more money than it has. A balanced approach means the budget actually balances. Unfortunately, every budget the Obama administration has offered has never, ever, come into balance or even come close.
House Republicans recognize that the way things have been done in Washington simply has not worked.
We know the American people are sick and tired of the political games played with our economy, where special interests and back-room deals seem to dominate, and Americans are no better off because of it.
The House Republican budget is a long-term solution that ensures Washington is using your hard-earned tax dollars in an accountable and effective way.
No more accounting tricks.
No more budget gimmicks.
No more wasteful spending.
Most importantly, "The Path to Prosperity" will create a healthier economy where job creators are hiring, job seekers are finally finding work and more American families and entrepreneurs are realizing their dreams.
This is accomplished by curtailing government spending, safely harnessing America's natural resources for energy produced right here at home, reducing health care costs, implementing meaningful tax reform and cutting burdensome governmental red tape.
Some may try to convince us that we cannot reduce government spending while still honoring our commitments to America's most important priorities.
This is not true.
In fact, our budget saves and strengthens Medicare, protects our national security, cares for the poor and sick by repairing America's safety net programs and expands economic opportunities for everyone.
All of this can be accomplished without raising taxes. Republicans believe you work too hard to have the federal government take more of your money to spend more in Washington. Instead, we want you to keep more of your money to spend, save and invest as you wish. You, not the government, are the true engine of the American economy.
The American people have demanded real solutions and real results, and House Republicans have done more than just listen.
We have acted.
Now, we invite President Obama and Democrats to join us in reaching this common sense goal – correcting America's fiscal course so that we may regain control of our future.
Republican Rep. Tom Price, M.D., represents Georgia's Sixth Congressional District. He serves as the vice chairman of the House Committee on the Budget.
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