It is a sad sight to watch a man grapple with a world that fails to meet his expectations. Unless that man is Eric Holder. Then it is simply infuriating.
The attorney general, warped by his own prejudice, is confused because his fellow citizens are better people than he imagines.
Holder sees white bigots around every corner, and can't handle the truth that very few Americans actually hate Muslims. So, like Elmer Fudd hunting "wascally wabbits," Holder's shots usually backfire.
Eric Holder sees white bigots around every corner, and can't handle the truth that very few Americans actually hate Muslims.
His Monday speech to the Anti-Defamation League was a classic case of twisted thinking. With his FBI fumbling a chance to stop the Boston bombers, he bizarrely stressed his determination to punish anyone who discriminates against Muslims.
Of course, he didn't admit that the bombers were Islamists. That would violate the Obama administration's omerta on linking Islam to terrorism.
To continue reading Michael Goodwin's op-ed in the New York Post, click here.
Michael Goodwin is a Fox News contributor and New York Post columnist.
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