Today is Father's Day.
There have been a lot of articles published about the role of the "Working Mom" these days, and how times are changing with women in the workplace. Now more than ever, Fathers have to step in as the primary caregiver to help raise healthy, well-adjusted children. Thankfully I married a man that has no problem filling that role when I work weekends or nights. Do I wish I was home more? Sure. But I see how wonderful Sean is with Matthew and Theodore, and am grateful every day that they have a hands-on Dad that they love and feel comforted by when Mom is not home.
I was looking for a Father's Day card yesterday and was so mad seeing all the cards that were supposed to be "Funny" about "Dear old Dad" being lazy, forgetting to mow the lawn, drinking beer or passing gas. What an insult. Greeting card companies need to get with the program. Like Moms, Dads can do it all. And for those like my husband Sean, who sometimes has to sacrifice a few career opportunities to make sure they're home to drive the kids to school or make lunches, change diapers, do laundry, make dinner and still have time to clean the kitchen after reading to the children and getting them to bed at night – I honor you. Not just on Father's Day, but every day. I think I speak for all of us when I say I love you even more today than the day I became your wife.
To all the No. 1 Dads out there – Thank You for all that you do for us Moms and, more importantly, being a role model to our children so that they may be good parents too, someday.
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