Jobs are disappearing by the hour. Good-paying jobs anyway. What's left is a disaster of epic proportions. The middle class is being slaughtered. Massacred. Turned into minimum wage, part-time slaves for big corporations. If you want a job in this pathetic economy, you'd better memorize the most important line for employees: "Do you want a shake with your cheeseburger and fries?"
The media loves to say "50 is the new 40." But what they ought to be reporting is "$36,000 part-time with no benefits is the new 6-figure job."
Right about now you are thinking, "But the latest jobs report just came out…and it was fantastic! I just read about it." Wrong. You must be listening to the mainstream media again. Didn't you know they lie for a living to protect the White House?
The media loves to say "50 is the new 40." But what they ought to be reporting is "$36,000 part-time with no benefits is the new 6-figure job."
We are all living in a Banana Republic nowadays. The government moves numbers around, commits fraud to make people think we are in "recovery," and the biased mainstream media dutifully reports whatever the White House tells them to report- with no critique or commentary.
Here is the REAL June jobs report. We gained 360,000 crummy part-time jobs, and lost 240,000 full-time jobs. Our economy is crumbling. Better get ready to wait on tables, serve booze, or clean toilets. Because now, those are your only choices…when there's actually a job.
Worse still are the figures since the year began. We have added a grand total of 130,000 full-time jobs since January. Experts will tell you America needs to add about 100,000 jobs per month just to keep up with population growth. Yet we've added only about one month's worth of jobs in 6 months. An honest media would call this a disaster, not a "recovery."
How many crummy part-time jobs are out there? We've added over 500,000 since January. There are now 28 million part-time employees in America. The hills are alive with the sound of…disappointment.
Here are some more sobering facts: One fifth of all jobs gained in this "recovery" are temp jobs. The second largest employer in America is now a temp agency (Kelly Services). And this "McNugget Economy" is accelerating. We had a robust 6.7% growth in temp jobs in June.
The workplace participation rate is still around modern historical lows. But that includes anyone working at all (full or part-time). The reality is only 47% of Americans now have a full-time job.
Worse, the full time jobs that are available are all crummy jobs with low wages. Even as manufacturing jobs declined for the 4th month in a row, restaurant and bar employee jobs hit a new all-time high of over 10,000,000 in June. These minimum wage jobs rose by an astounding 51,700 in one month. All together now: Hip hip hooray!
The worst stat of all is the collapse of real disposable income. It declined by a whopping 9.21% in the past year. This is comparable to the collapse we witnessed in 2008, when the entire world economy came inches away from the cliff.
The latest retail sales report concurs. American consumers are out of money. They've stopped spending:
All of this misery morphs together in one tragic new statistic of the Obama economy: There are more Americans getting "food assistance" checks (101 million) than working in the private sector (97 million).
Based on the facts, we are witnessing the complete collapse of middle class America.
Remember that movie, "Sleepless in Seattle"? It was one of the most memorable movies of the '90's. If it were to be re-created today, to represent life in the Obama economy, it would have to be titled "Jobless in Seattle," "Hopeless in Seattle," or "Homeless in Seattle."
Don't look now, but we are all living through the Obama Great Depression.
Wayne Allyn Root is capitalist evangelist, entrepreneur, and Libertarian-conservative Republican. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. Wayne's latest book is "The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom." For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.
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