Editor's note: Tuesday, Becky Gerritson, president of Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama, testified before Congress about the IRS allegedly targeting her organization. The following excerpts are from her testimony:
"[We] had no party affiliation … It didn't matter … the only notion expressed was that our representative government had failed us."
"In Wetumpka, we are patriotic Americans; we peacefully assemble; we petition our government; we exercise our right to free speech. We don't understand why the government tried to stop us. I'm not here as a serf or a vassal. I'm not begging my lord for mercy. I'm a born-free American woman, wife, mother, and citizen, and I'm telling my government that you've forgotten your place."
"I'm not interested in scoring political points. I want to preserve and protect the America that I grew up in. The America that people crossed oceans and risked their lives to become a part of, and I'm terrified it's slipping away. Thank you very much."
Becky Gerritson, is president of the Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama.
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